Feelings about Same-Sex Marriage

Why honor marriage when a lot of people who are married do not honor their own marriages?

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The truth about marriage is hidden in the reason why marriage was established.  Because people do not know the origins of marriage, new definitions about marriage are being developed.  Marriage has always meant a union between a man and a woman (with births certificates that prove their original sexually orientation).  So why now?  Why is there a demand for people to accept the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex unions?

Professing your eternal love to the same-sex does not constitute you calling it marriage or does it?  Marriage is the procreation of children to produce an offspring from the physical union of the eternal union of love between a man and a woman.  Marriage is seen in nature when different animals mate for life to produce offspring.  Normally, there is one alpha male that protects, secures, and procreate with the opposite sex to ensure that his offspring live.  If this is the rule of the animal kingdom and our dominion is over the animal kingdom, then our rule of law should exhibit a greater authority to produce life in this world.

Let’s picture the animal kingdom deciding to disobey their natural tendencies to occupy their time with sexual relations with the same gender.  This would mean that male animals will be with male animals and female animal will be with female animals.  How many generations of the same gender (male on male, and female on female) will exist before their is no more animals?  One!  The generation of animals that participate in same gender relations will die out because there is no procreation taking place.

This means that the same gender procreation is limited to one generation or genocide of an animal species.  Without the active procreation with the opposite gender, then a society or kingdom will cease to exist.  With the allusion that the world resources are being depleted, there is a raise of population control by changing normal social behavior to irregular behavior so that society will limit itself by the lack of active procreation.

Why do you think the world has embraced that which goes against natural order?  Is it because they believe it is right?  Or is it because they believe it will lead to population control?

Seeing that the world has not given an honest answer to the natural thing in life, we need to find a source that will guide to the truth in how we feel.  There is a rule in nature that exists in human life, the survival of the fittest.  The strong prevail over the weak.  So nature is always getting stronger because the strong overpower the weak.  Stronger genes are added to the genetic makeup of a particular species and it survives the attacks of weaker animals.  If nature survives by procreation, then why does man believe that no procreation will save those in the world?  Limiting the population does not save the animal kingdom, but it is the procreation of the strong in that society that enables them to withstand the circumstances of life.

We are weakening our society by embracing doctrines or beliefs that do not strengthen our society, but it causes it to become weak.  Procreation is the way to survival, not the absence of procreation.  Life is lived by living and producing an offspring to live on after I cease to existence.  My life lives on through those that I leave behind.  A life of isolation is not living, but it is a form of dying.  Our lives are meant for human interactions that lead to life producing life.

Healthy human interactions lead us to wonder about the reason why we are here.  Why were we born?  What is the reason of my life?  Together, we help each other find the answers or spend our lives working together to a common goal.  We become stronger through our relationships.  When our lives become full with love from another individual, then we join with them in a covenant relationship and produce a life of our own from our genes from our physical union together.  Children are gift that heals a heart of loneliness.  They teach us how to love and live a stronger life for the survival of us all.

In nature, a den is composed mainly of females, but that den does not grow unless there is a male present.  It is the male and female relationship that keeps the society growing.  Without the male and female relationship, then the society is imbalanced and incapable of growing.  The same is true within a household.  It takes two parents to keep the household balanced.  A single parent will find a way to continue the household going, but for that household to grow, that parent will need to find others of the opposite sex to teach the other skills of life that they do not have.  People can try to imitate the other skills, but it is nothing like the real deal.

Find others that will help you grow.  Create a healthy society by having a mixture of both males and females.  Allow others of the opposite sex to teach you the skills in life that you are lacking, and most of all, admit that you cannot do it all by yourself, and accept the help of others.

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Parental Problems

Can you say that you are a good parent?  Can you say that you received good parenting?  Is there a problem with who acts as the parent in your relationship with your parents?

Having a baby does not make you a parent.  Having a baby means that you have a choice to own up to your responsibility or if you will give up that right for someone else to raise your child.  Some parents keep their children, but they give them no parental guidance.  Parenting involves a process where the adult figures give support, promote ideas, encourage healthy physical and emotional development, with social and intellectual opportunities from birth until young adulthood.

Many people struggle with the idea of parenting because of their experience as children getting bad parenting from their parents.  Some parenting skills are easier than others to learn, but the entire parenting concept is a process of guided discovery with trial and error.  When the errors of parenting out number the good, then we are safe to say the parenting was bad.  It is not only hard for children to receive someone as their parent, but it is hard for the parent to accept the child that they must guide and support.  Instead of accepting the responsibility of trying to become a better parent, some adults just give up.

There are three main areas in which we need to think about parenting: Giving as a parent, Receiving parenting, and Deciding who is the parent.

Giving as a parent/Parenting

Once an adult decides to act as a parent, then they must learn to behave as a parent.  Most of the current parents give back to their children from what they experienced from their own parents.  Parenting is unique in each experience.  With the same child, two adults will experience and give different parenting styles.  It would have been easier if each child came with an operational manual, but that is not the case.  In order to give parenting, you need to:

  • Know your child
  • Spend time with your child
  • Give what you can
  • Say what you mean

Each child is unique just like each parenting experience is unique.  What worked for one child will not work for another one.  Never promise what you cannot fulfill.  Children believe that parents do not lie.  If parents can lie, then nothing is real in the relationship with the child.  If you cannot give something to your child, then do not promise it.  Sticks and stones will break my bones, but lies from my parent will kill me.  Words are life to children.  We need to use them very carefully.  Parents need to learn how to tailor their interactions for each child as each moment changes.

The basic core of the parent’s beliefs should be followed.  A parent with no core beliefs will change with each situation.  A core belief is a guidance to the moral truths upon which a person lives.  The moral truths teach what is right and what is wrong, how to respond in different situations, and how to conduct yourself at all times.  Moral truths come from a root belief system that people followed in a community that has been passed down from generation to generation.  Even though a parent might not attend a certain religious organization, by the way they raise their children will indicate what basic beliefs are in operation in their lives.  Moral truths work in parenting because the people who use them have faith that they will work.  Faith is believing in something before you can see it working or coming to past.  It is unseen hope that what you hold on to will work out in the future.  The future is a system of love because the parent is willing to sacrifice their time, talents, and money to improve the welfare of their children.  Good parents love by giving physically and emotionally to the children for a better future.

Let’s trace it back: Parenting -> Core beliefs -> Moral truths -> Faith-> Hope-> Future.

Parents with a core belief system operate with moral truths because of their faith; hoping that their actions will cause a better future for them and their children.


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Self Realization

Does this sound familiar: “Why do people keep thinking that I should act like them?”  It is a common question when your character is being challenged.  There is something that you are doing that is not the same to those around you.  The challenge is keeping true to the real you in situations that cause you to change.  Most of us think we are strong enough to resist the pressure of people around us to change.  The problem comes from the building stress from outside of our body in the way of questions, requests, demands, situations, and problems that cause us to give in.  When we do not study who we are, then we will begin to transform into someone totally different.

Changing into someone else is a gradual process that might happen after an hour, a day, a week, a month, or even longer.  The change will affect your mind.  The way you think will change into the way someone else think.  Our change can happen almost immediately if we have direct connect with someone who has a stronger personality than our own.  Our change will change slowly if we have around people who are similar to us, but their way of doing things vary slightly from your own.  Like we discovered earlier, our minds change.  Our minds represent our mindset or our way of thinking.  Once our way of thinking change, then our acts will change.  If our actions change, then our hearts will change.  The change in our hearts will be seen in the way we talk to other people.  We can only hold in some many things before we have to say something about it.

Our hearts are like a bucket.  The bucket receives words, songs, music, actions, thoughts, dreams, and ideas.  When we listen to other people, it starts to fill up space in the bucket of our hearts.  Different songs produce different ideas in our hearts.  The words out of another persons mouth becomes the words that fill our heart.  Different media types like television, ipods, internet, radio stations, video games, and social networks transfer other people thoughts into our hearts.  Television is obvious in changing the vision of our hearts by telling us their vision.  Music and other lyrical inspirations are harder to detect the influence in our hearts.

By the time our hearts fill up on the different ideas, we begin to sound and act like someone different from ourselves.  This process is known in the science world as osmosis.   The higher concentration of ideas of the world invade into the our hearts and begin to fill our being.  The force of change is done by a willing process of submission.  We willingly submit to other people’s ideas without having those people directly in our lives.

So the true question becomes, who are you?  Are you the real you or are you the world that you listen to?  If you change the access to your heart, then you change the person you become.

Try this: Turn off the tv, radio, internet, and anyone you consider a friend for one week and write down what you like.  Then, go back to talking to your friends, and listening to different media outlets like you use to.  Once another week has pass, then write down your ideas and compare them to your other list.  What is similar and what has changed?  Are you the same or did you change?

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Finding Help

Welcome to Reconcile Time! Life changes! At certain times in life, we all need help in finding the right way to go. Where do you go when you have nowhere else to go?  Sometimes your family does not understand you.  Other times, your friends cannot comprehend you.  With everything else going on in your life, your job is no longer satisfying, and your personal relationships are not going as you have planned them.  On top of all of this, your internal struggle with yourself is beginning to surface.    People do not understand your life, but you, and at the same time, you do not know how to get out of the situations surrounding your life.

This site aims at helping provide a way through a world that seems lost. Finding a way through life alone is tough, but if we help each other, we can find a way to solve our problems.  Let’s take the time to find solutions to our life problems together.

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